Monday, February 27, 2006

Winter's Back

Here in New York City, we got so used to mild winter weather that it feels like a surprise that it actually got colder than a.......(you supply the adjective) over the weekend. I had to leave the house to shop on Saturday, and I don't think it was too awfully cold. But Sunday I spent in the house, knitting whenever I got the chance. So imagine my shock when I left the house this morning for work. I did bundle up, but I was reminded of how grateful I am that I don't have to work outdoors.


You know how sometimes you just don't want to do much of anything? Well, because of that, knitting progress isn't all that much: a couple of inches on the baby sweater fronts is all. And I did some cooking, so that took a bit of time away from the knitting. I really did want to review my projects OTN, but the time never seemed to come. Feels like I'm getting into winter hibernation mode.


I fiddled around with the camera yesterday, and I still don't know what I've done wrong. To make matters worse, I can't for the life of me remember where I put the camera documentation - like the operation manual? I am taking pictures just fine, but when I try transferring them to the computer I get a weird type image instead of the photo that I can see on the camera. Funny thing, all my old photos will still transfer as pictures, but the new ones are silly images. So until I find the documents, I guess I won't have any pictures. I hate it when I put things away, I can never find them again.

And don't you know, I never got pictures of the furry fingerless gloves for my GD? Wouldn't it be a shame if I had to go buy a newer, better camera????!!!!!

Oh well, tonight's another (knitting) night, so maybe I'll get some more work done.

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