Friday, May 15, 2009

Thursday TV Won't Be the Same

Can you believe what happened on Gray's Anatomy last night? I was ready for Izzie to leave, after all it's been publicized so much. And they gave her a nasty brain tumor, so it would have been a surprise if she didn't die. But George? They didn't even prepare us. OMG, what's to become of Gray's? (Didn't George look cute in his uniform?)

I'm eagerly awaiting June 1st, when Betty Crocker is making Gluten-Free cake mixes available. They look really good, but of course the proof will be in the baking. I can't imagine the price they'll put on them. I really hope my local supermarket plans to sell them.

I'm still way behind on getting pictures of anything to put on the blog, after all the family stuff that's been going on. So it's still boring around my blog. I need to get my act together. Maybe this weekend I can get organized.

Have a great weekend!

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